Diabetes Prescriber Tool
Currently, only a few of the known influences on prescribing are ever used to explain variations in spend and outcomes in products developed by the RightCare team. Unsurprisingly, it is difficult for local NHS organisations (ICBs, PCNs and acute trusts) to actively change prescribing behaviour based on such data.
Rather than national targets and a focus on encouraging each ICB to adopt the same approach to change prescribing behaviour it is more important to understand the key influences for each practice.
Using the conclusions from doctoral research, the Diabetes Prescriber Tool uses an adapted Donabedian model to create a Practice profile measuring 16 factors known to influence prescribing behaviour. Appropriate and more effective strategies focusing on the influences important for each Practice are then developed to improve disease outcomes and reduce prescribing costs.

Contact us on 01823 321211 for a no obligation discussion or meeting.